Athletics is one of the oldest sports in the world, with many years of competitions that require a lot of physical effort, impeccable conditioning, dedication and a lot of skill. With this in mind, how about getting to know the sport and checking out a glossary of athletics?
We’ve prepared this material to help you get to know the sport better and understand what’s going on in a race. Get ready to find out what the words decathlon, discus throw, marathon, relay, sprint, pole vault, triple jump and much more mean!
Before checking out the terms, it’s worth remembering that athletics is one of the oldest physical competitions, beginning as far back as 776 B.C. and making its mark over the years at the Olympic Games. It all began in Olympia, Greece, and as time went by the sport gained new forms, versions and fans.
Athletics then went through a long journey until it reached what it is today, in its most modern form, and became one of the main highlights of the Olympics. With this, then, the sport took shape and it was possible to create an athletics glossary with the main terms used in it.
Prepare your notes and get to know the athletics glossary we’ve prepared for you to keep up to date with the sport!
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Athletics glossary: complete list
Check out our complete athletics glossary!
- Barrier
- Starting block
- Cross country
- Decathlon
- Relay
- Heptathlon
- Discus throw
- Javelin throw
- Hammer throw
- Marathon
- Athletics
- Track and field
- Relay
- Pole vault
- High jump
- Long jump
- Triple Jump
- Sprint
- Steeplechase
- Tetrathlon
- Ultramarathon
- Vadeia
Athletics glossary: get to know the main terms
Check out the sport’s main terms, such as decathlon, discus, javelin and hammer throws, marathon, ultra-marathon and many other names used in athletics!
Discover the athletics glossary!
The barrier is basically a type of obstacle used in speed hurdles races.
Starting block
The starting block is an object used in athletics for the athlete to use before the start of the race, facilitating the moment of departure.
Cross country
Cross country is an athletics discipline that involves running on natural terrain, such as fields, forests and trails. This type of athletics is very challenging and requires a lot of experience.
The decathlon is an event that includes 10 different events, such as jumping, throwing and running, of course. The sport is very challenging and intense.
The relay, or relay race, is the name given to a relay race. In it, each runner has to cover a section of the course and, when they reach the end, they pass a baton to the next athlete.
The heptathlon is an athletics discipline dedicated only to women and consists of a seven-event competition.
Discus throw
The discus throw is a sport in which the athlete has to throw a discus as far as possible.
Javelin throw
In the javelin throw, the athlete has to throw a javelin as far as possible.
Hammer throw
In the hammer throw, the athlete has to throw a hammer as far as possible.
A marathon is a long-distance race, usually over 42 kilometers long.
Athletic walking
Athletic marching is a sport in which the athlete has to run the course while keeping one foot on the ground.
Athletics track
The athletics track is a specific surface for athletics events and their derivatives.
The relay is a sport that requires athletes to take turns running a race.
Pole vault
In pole vaulting, the athlete has to use a flexible pole to jump over a horizontal bar.
High jump
When the athlete jumps over a horizontal bar and cannot knock it down.
Long jump
The long jump is a sport in which the athlete has to jump the greatest distance possible.
Triple jump
In the triple jump, the athlete makes three consecutive jumps, which are added together to obtain a final number.
Sprinting is a high-speed race over short distances, such as 100 meters and 200 meters.
The steeplechase race has obstacles that include not only common barriers, but also a water barrier.
The tetrathlon is an athletics event that has four different events. They are: high jump, weight throw, long jump and 100-meter dash.
The ultramarathon is one of the most challenging disciplines in athletics, as it is a long-distance race that can exceed 50 kilometers.
Wading is the term used for the act of crossing a water barrier in an athletics event that includes an obstacle course.

Athletics glossary
- Barrier
- Starting block
- Cross country
- Decathlon
- Relay
- Heptathlon
- Discus throw
- Javelin throw
- Hammer throw
- Marathon
- Athletics
- Track and field
- Relay
- Pole vault
- High jump
- Long jump
- Triple Jump
- Sprint
- Steeplechase
- Tetrathlon
- Ultramarathon
- Vadeia
That was the glossary of athletics! By getting to know it, we can better understand how races and their disciplines work, and it becomes easier and more fun to watch the competitions, whether on the track or on television.
The sport is one of the oldest and most popular in the world and continues to win over thousands of people every year. So, if you’ve enjoyed learning more about athletics, keep browsing the site to find out much more about the sport and other different sports.
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