The baseball is a sport that has several positions, each with essential functions for the progress of this game so rich in detail. The sport has athletes in the positions of pitchers, who can create rhythm for the game, as well as fielders, who give their all to catch batted balls.
With all the complexity of this sport in mind, we’ve put together a list of all the positions in baseball for you to get to know and understand how the sport works. Find out what first, second and third basemen, left, right and center fielders, catchers, pitchers and hitters do.
So get ready to learn about baseball positions!

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Baseball positions: complete list
- Launcher;
- Receiver;
- Batter;
- First base;
- Second base;
- Third base;
- Interbases;
- Left fielder;
- Central camp;
- Right camper
Baseball positions: learn more about each one
The baseball player who stands in the position of pitcher is the one responsible for throwing the ball towards the hitter. As such, their main function is to prevent hitters from hitting the ball hard enough and ending up hurting their team;
Basically, then, the pitcher in baseball needs to know how to throw the ball like nobody’s business towards the hitter, knowing how to control the pace of the game, speeding it up or slowing it down. They also end up discovering the batter’s weaknesses, knowing how to exploit the best speeds and types of pitch for each moment.
In addition, pitchers need to know how to work together with the rest of the team and have a stable game mentality so as not to harm their team.
The catcher is the baseball player who stands behind the batter and opposite the pitcher. Therefore, he receives the pitches from the pitcher and has the responsibility of signaling the pitches, as well as trying to catch runners who try to steal the bases.
Therefore, the receiver needs to have a lot of skill when it comes to receiving throws quickly, as well as signaling them, usually in coded form, to prevent his opponents from undermining his team’s strategy.
The receivers also need to be the leaders of the defense, since they have a privileged view of the field, and know how to exploit this defender’s mentality. They must also be able to work well as a team, especially alongside the thrower.
The striker is the player who has the important responsibility of hitting the ball thrown by the pitcher. They must also know how to control the strike zone, make quick decisions and be able to adapt to the different types of pitches they will face;
First base
The first baseman is a very important player in a baseball game. So, the player who stands near first base is the one who has the responsibility of receiving pitches from the infield, as well as covering the base on defensive plays.
In short, the first baseman’s job is to receive pitches and cover first base, take part in important catch-and-throw plays with his glove, know how to defend the baseline, be able to hit very well and communicate with other players in the infield.
Second base
The second baseman will be positioned between first and second base. He is therefore responsible for covering this area and also for taking part in double plays, with the aim of using a single play to eliminate two players from the opposing team at once.
These athletes also participate in sacrifice plays, which means moving to a base while other players try to advance the runners. The second baseman also needs to have hitting skills and know how to communicate with the left field infield.
Third base
The third baseman, on the other hand, has the task of defending the area near third base, knowing how to react to batted balls and make important defensive plays.
It is also essential to participate in double plays and defend the baseline, while communicating with other players in the infield.
The infielder is between second and third base. He is an agile and versatile player, responsible for covering the infield and taking part in double plays.
The infielder, also known as the shortstop, is responsible for covering most of the infield, preferably between second and third base. They must have the ability to move between the two directions in order to catch the balls.
These players must also take part in defensive plays, command the defense of the match, be able to make the best throws and have a lot of agility and speed on the pitch.

Left fielder
The left fielder has the mission of catching batted balls, preventing runs from the opposing team’s hitters and runners, knowing how to cover a wide area of the field, as well as being able to communicate very well with other players in the outfield. So your main task is to do your best to defend the outfield.
Central camper
The center fielder in baseball, on the other hand, has the responsibility of covering most of the outfield and needs a lot of agility and speed. His tasks include catching batted balls, knowing how to communicate as a leader, preventing opposing runs and being a support to other players in the outfield.
Right camper
Finally, the right fielder also has the responsibilities of catching batted balls, preventing runs from opposing teams, knowing how to communicate with other outfielders and knowing how to position himself in defense.
Baseball positions: complete list
- Launcher;
- Receiver;
- Batter;
- First base;
- Second base;
- Third base;
- Interbases;
- Left fielder;
- Central camp;
- Right camper.
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