The pentathlon is an athletic event that combines five different disciplines: fencing, swimming, equestrianism, shooting and running. The sport was created by the founder of the modern Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin, with the aim of creating an event that could test the skills of a complete athlete;
Each of the disciplines in the pentathlon requires very specific skills, both physical and mental, which only prove the versatility and endurance of the participants. To understand how the sport works, however, you need to be familiar with the terms that define the activity.
To keep you up to date with the sport, we’ve created a pentathlon glossary, which is basically a guide to the main terms that define the sport. As well as the words, you’ll get to know their meanings and better understand how it works!

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Pentathlon glossary: complete list
- Opponent
- Target
- Assault
- Bar
- Starter Block
- Buoy
- Horseman
- Horse
- Fence
- Point Compensation
- Competition
- Race
- Stopwatch
- Javelin
- Dueling
- Fencing
- Sword
- Relay
- Runner
- Hydration
- Horse-riding
- Laser-run
- Mask
- Obstacle
- Pass
- Laser Gun
- Track
- Scoring
- Rule
- Tactics
Pentathlon glossary: learn more about the terms
In fencing, the opponent is the competitor you are fighting. In modern pentathlon, then, opponents face each other in fast-paced duels in which every touch counts to determine the winner.
In shooting sports, the target is the central point that the athletes must hit, and in the pentathlon shooting is done with laser pistols, with the electronic target recording the accuracy of the shots.
Assault is the term used in fencing to describe each confrontation between two fencers. Assaults are short, have a limited duration and every touch counts towards the final result.
In pentathlon swimming, the turn bar is used to help swimmers turn during pool races. It is an essential factor in maintaining the athlete’s speed and technique during the race.
Starting block
Also in swimming, the starting block is the platform from which swimmers begin the race. A good start can influence a swimmer’s overall performance in the pentathlon.
In open water swimming races, buoys are used to mark the course for the athlete. They therefore help to ensure that swimmers keep to the correct course.
In equestrianism, the rider is the athlete who mounts the horse. The rider must demonstrate skills in jumping and controlling the horse over an obstacle course.
Also in equestrianism, the horse is the rider’s partner, and in the sport they are drawn to ensure fairness. As such, it requires riders to be able to adapt quickly.
In equestrianism, fences are the obstacles that horses have to jump over. The courses include various fences that test the skill and courage of both rider and horse.
Points compensation
In pentathlon, points compensation is the name given to a system used to balance the scores between the different disciplines, ensuring that no one event carries too much weight in the final result.
Competition in the modern pentathlon is the contest between athletes in the five disciplines. Performance in each discipline contributes to the final result.
One of the five disciplines of the modern pentathlon is running. The discipline is traditionally a 3,200-meter race, combined with shooting in an event known as the laser-run.
The stopwatch is an essential tool for measuring athletes’ times in swimming and running. The accuracy of the stopwatch is crucial to recording the best performances and determining winners.
In fencing, the javelin is the name given to the type of sword used, also known as a foil. Fencing is performed with a sword, which is a type of javelin used in duels.
The duel is the fight between two fencers in the pentathlon. Each duel is decisive for accumulating points and advancing in the competition.
One of the five disciplines of the modern pentathlon is fencing, a martial art that uses swords. Competitors face each other in short rounds to score points.
The sword is the weapon used in pentathlon fencing. Unlike the foil and saber, the sword allows touches to any part of the body.
Relay is the term used in running to describe the athlete who is currently competing or passing the baton in a relay race.
Distance runner
In running, a sprinter is an athlete who specializes in long distances. A runner’s endurance ability is crucial for the race.
Hydration is essential for athletes’ performance in all sports. Staying hydrated helps prevent injuries and keep performance healthy.
One of the disciplines of the modern pentathlon is equestrianism, which involves jumping on horseback. Athletes need to demonstrate control and skill in order to complete the course without any faults.
Laser-run is a combined running and shooting event. In it, athletes alternate between running and shooting at targets using laser pistols.
In fencing, the mask is the protective equipment used to cover the fencer’s face. It is essential for safety during duels.
In equestrianism, the obstacles are the jumps that the horses have to make, and the courses include various obstacles of different heights and widths.
A term used in fencing to describe the basic forward and backward movement. It is a fundamental technique for gaining ground and attacking your opponent.
Laser pistol
In pentathlon shooting, the laser pistol replaces traditional firearms, increasing the safety and precision of competitions.
The track is where the running and equestrian competitions take place. In the modern pentathlon, there are specific tracks for each discipline.
Scoring is the counting system used to determine the ranking of athletes in each discipline of the modern pentathlon. Each event has its own scoring criteria.
The rules are the regulations that govern each discipline of modern pentathlon. They guarantee fairness and equality in competition.
Tactics is the name given to the strategy used by athletes to maximize their performance in each discipline. In the pentathlon, it is essential for managing effort and time throughout the competition.

Pentathlon glossary: complete list
- Opponent
- Target
- Assault
- Bar
- Starter Block
- Buoy
- Horseman
- Horse
- Fence
- Point Compensation
- Competition
- Race
- Stopwatch
- Javelin
- Dueling
- Fencing
- Sword
- Relay
- Runner
- Hydration
- Horse-riding
- Laser-run
- Mask
- Obstacle
- Pass
- Laser Gun
- Track
- Scoring
- Rule
- Tactics
Pentathlon glossary
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